“There is a strange urge in my mind: I would like to stop behaving as a rat pressing levers — even if I have to go hungry for a while. I would like to step outside the conditioning maze and see what makes it tick. I wonder what I would find. Perhaps a superhuman monstrosity the very contemplation of which would make a man insane? Perhaps a solemn gathering of wise men? Or the maddening simplicity of unattended clockwork?”
–Jacques Vallee, “The Invisible College”
“If there is a universal mind, must it be sane?”
–Charles Fort

If discovery commences with the awareness of anomaly, as suggested by Thomas Kuhn, then there is no better place to look than the realm of unexplained phenomena. The prospect of UFOs and alien visitors is an excellent springboard for discovery, and I’ve devoted the following pages to thinkers, concepts and speculations that threaten to undermine our anthropocentric certainties.
The notion of contact with nonhuman intelligence quenches an implacable existential thirst. The trick is to walk the edge without succumbing to banality.

Spirit And Sky
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